
Birthdays with Orchardtoys

May 28, 2020

*Products gifted in exchange for a review*

It's not nice being in lockdown, and it's worse when you have a birthday in lockdown,
Especially for kids

Orchardtoys have come to the rescue with their free download and print birthday cards

Free to download and Print!

With lockdown happening, it's hard to go out and get family or even your friends their birthday card, but can you imagine their face when they not only get to help make a card by also get the post of their personalised birthday card, something small to lift their spirits.

Orchard toys are currently still deriving their games to homes all over the UK and if you're making someone a birthday card why not add in a fun game as well.

Orchardtoys sent Connor and Lily some of their games and let me tell you, they were a massive hit, Lily had to have them all out and she seemed to favour the farmyard heads & tails where you have to pair up the animals and people.

She loved to point out the animals while making their noises which was super cute.

It's their best seller and I can see why, a matching game but it can also be played as guess the animal, animal sounds and they are also wipeable so you could write on the back what the names are and get your kids to match the animals that way.

Daddy started playing smelly wellys which lily enjoyed a lot, she had to find matching wellys, which is great for her matching skills.

Another game which both kids love playing is called the match and spell game as they both can play it at the same time even though they are at different levels of learning.  Connor uses the blank side to spell his words while lily uses the side with the words already there.

Connor took to the Big Dinosaur puzzle he had such fun trying to do it all by himself its something that has given him independence also while keeping his attention which anyone that deals with a 5-year-old knows the difficulty of that type of task, It does help that the puzzle has all different coloured dinosaurs that helped Connor to understand where the bits of the puzzle had to go and its a plus from him playing the Xbox all the time.

Lily loved the colours and unicorns of the rainbow unicorn game but it was a bit out of her age range to understand but when they are that young their imagination shows itself and they make up their own games.

They have a variety of different games like Giraffes in Scarves and puzzles plus colouring books, home learning packs and even free activities, you can find something for everyone.

You could even get your kid to help you look for a present.

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  1. ashleigh allan2 June 2020 at 01:40

    I love orchard toy games!

  2. These look great. Orchard Toys have a great selection of games.

  3. Something for everyome - love orchard toys

  4. We love Orchard Toys games and our granddaughter now has quite a collection of them.

  5. I do love all the orchard toys! Love getting these (and giving these!) as gifts x


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